選讀者:天地精進中醫診所院長 陸先衍
American Journal of Acupuncture, 1998; 26(1): 33-36
Can the addition of moxibustion during acupuncture therapy improve recovery from Bell’s Palsy?
Gao Shuyuan, Gao Qingyun
Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Heilongjiang Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine
254-28 Youxie Street, Harbin 150060 People’s Republic of China
摘要︰這個研究是在臨床上觀察60個Bell’s palsy(周邊顏面痲痹),僅用針療(A組)和合併針療灸療(B組)之結果。兩種醫療方式皆有效果。在治癒的患者中,A組及B組,分別有66.7%(14/21)及80.8%(21/26),在20天或少於20天能得到完全的康復。因此,我們認為在有接受灸療的這一組,僅需較少的治療,並能更早康復。 閱讀全文 Can the addition of moxibustion during acupuncture therapy improve recovery from Bell’s Palsy?